Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Olivia's & Caleb's Wedding

Last week, our niece Olivia was sealed to her husband, Caleb, in the beautiful Taylorsville temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Of course, you know that Fun Aunt and Uncle were there for the occasion and for the festivities that followed.

It was a beautiful ceremony on a beautiful summer day in a beautiful place. Both bride and groom looked so happy all day long.

The reception was held later that evening at the Bountiful Central Stake pavilion, adjacent to Bountiful High School. We were greeted by a railing lined with photos and other memorabilia charting the happy couple's relationship over the years.

There was also this quilt, which attendees were invited to write an entry on. JB, whom I'll admit has much better handwriting, wrote something for the both of us. Presumably, this quilt would then be made into an actual quilt and given to the newlyweds.

There was also an ice cream bar—the perfect recipe for one of the many hot Utah summer days we've been passing through.

All told, it was a wonderful day spent with a wonderful couple and many of our family members and friends.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Plowman Family Dinner/June 2024

One of the many benefits to moving to our new home in North Salt Lake is that we can now (gasp!) host family dinners, as we now have the room for our ever-growing Plowman clan. (Dallin's and Eliza's wedding is coming up in August, by the way.) Leaving our old HOA behind means we have actual parking space close by outside, too. And it doesn't hurt that there is a city park next door, which is always a big draw for the littles in the group.

Sloppy Joes were on the menu, along with chips, fruit, veggies, pasta salad, and other goodies. The kids participated in "Pass the Parcel" and had a blast, as always. Everyone is a winner!

We also celebrated our June birthdays, including Adi's and McKenna's 21st.

Our Day Out with Graham 2024

Last week, we took our eight-year-old nephew Graham out on his annual birthday outing with his favorite Fun Aunt and Uncle. He chose to go to Boondocks in Kaysville, where we he went crazy (crazy good, that is) at the video/token games there.

Graham had no business being as good at these games as you'd expect an eight-year-old to be, and yet he was time and again. We were kinda blown away by how well he did.

He also won another bouncy ball from The Claw:

On the way home, we stopped by Swig for treats. Fortunately, we had our Swig pretzel bites cards (also coincidentally sold to us by Graham and his brother) to help out with getting the goodies.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Home, Sweet Home

Through a whirlwind series of circumstances that took us somewhat by surprise, we were offered an opportunity to buy Mom's and Dad's old home in North Salt Lake. And, after much thought and prayer, we jumped at the chance.

With mixed emotions, we bid farewell to our first home as a married couple in Bountiful, as well as our beloved Stone Creek Ward and numerous friends and neighbors who made our first 6+ years together such a wonderful experience.

Now, on to Foxboro and North Salt Lake, a new neighborhood and ward with a few familiar faces, and a blank canvas to be written on as we move into year 7 and beyond.

If it turns out that this house is haunted by its former occupants, then we will be in great company. More to come.