It's the benchmark date of 12-13-14, so why the heck not? A lot of people are wigging out at the significance of it all, so why can't I, too?
It feels nutty and spontaneous. Maybe both!

That last name possibly put me onto an NSA watch list. (Just kidding. Most likely.) Who can say for sure? I don't want to take any chances. As a result, the blog has been discontinued.
For the record: Hail, Hydra! And, I love you, Big Brother.
Maintaining more than one blog at a time can also be a bit time consuming, not to mention a bit confusing to those attempting to follow along. My original purpose behind creating a blog was to both keep a record of my own personal history and to share comings and goings, flotsam and jetsam, and so forth with both family members near and far and friends alike. That will still be my purpose with Paco Nation.
Nevertheless, I'm simplifying the process. One blog to rule them all.
I still have both photos to post and thoughts, or a lack thereof, to share, including more Love Poetry for Dummies and movie reviews and Top/Bottom Ten lists and basically anything else that pops into my noggin. Also, I've got a lot of love to give. So little to do, and so much time.
Wait . . . strike that. Reverse it.
Welcome aboard for the experience. You don't need a passport or a visa to visit Paco Nation. You don't need no credit card to ride this train.
So to speak.
"Wait . . . strike that. Reverse it."