Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Family Dinner/November 2017, AKA Second Thanksgiving

In addition to other, aforementioned goings-on of the previous weekend, we also celebrated Second Thanksgiving Sunday night for family dinner. (Since it was most of the family's turn to go to their in-laws' on Thursday, Second Thanksgiving is what results for Plowman family dinner on the Sunday following Thanksgiving.)

Everybody got that?

We also recognized and celebrated Luke's twelfth birthday on the same evening.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Bombs Away

This was the highlight of the weekend.

I'm a tremendously fortunate individual.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

"That Could Be Me"

My nine-year-old niece Kira recently got bitten by the acting bug. One thing led to another, and then last Wednesday night we saw her perform in the CenterPoint Academy production That Could Be Me in the Connie Leishman Performance Hall (aka the black box, aka the same stage on which we perform improv Friday nights).

She did a great job! Yeah, I may be a little bit biased as her uncle. But it's still true.

My Dinner with Luke 2017

Taking advantage of my day off work and also Luke's day off school, I picked up my soon-to-be twelve-year-old nephew for his birthday lunch outing. He picked Chuck-a-Rama, where the mac and cheese was plentiful and delicious:

Luke's an amazing kid. (He can sure carry a conversation much better than I could when I was in the sixth grade.) We basically spent the afternoon talking about mostly our love of video games, so there was plenty for us to discuss.

Improvables: Ninth Annual Halloween Show, Part 2

Halloween and improv are just such a magical combination that we held a second Halloween performance Saturday, October 28, at the Clearfield Community Arts Center. I again dressed up as Han Solo, because Star Wars ('nuff said). And once again, the members of my troupe did not disappoint with their cosplay choices.

I gotta give special recognition to Matt for his Jabba the Hutt ensemble, which was one of the highlights of the night:

But really, look at these guys (from L-R: Todd, Megan, Cassie, Matt, Mac, Kelly, Landon, and yours truly):

They never disappoint. And every show is a new adventure.

Improvables: Ninth Annual Halloween Show, Part 1

We're on the eve of Thanksgiving as I type this, so this might be a good moment for a little bit of catching up on some blogging and also to let you know that we observed Halloween again this year, as people are wont to do.

It's incredible to think that the Improvables have been together for nine consecutive Halloween performances now, but such is the case. And I've loved pretty much every minute of it. We go all out for our Halloween shows, and the first of two we put on the weekend before the Big Day was held Friday, October 27, at CenterPoint. I got to take the stage along with Chance, Erica, Keenan, Kelly, Liz, Richard, and Spencer, with Lorin as MC and Willis on keys.

The costumes were pretty creative and did not disappoint:

JB was good enough to agree to do a couples costume with me, and we dressed up as Princess Leia and Han Solo, respectively:

A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all who participated. I love the people I get to play dress up with and also the audiences who take part in the fun with us.

Danny the Chiropractor

Steve hurt his back recently and has been ailing. Fortunately, Danny walked all over it to help make things feel better in his own way.

I kinda love this photo of my two-year-old nephew and needed to put it on the blog.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Isaac Jeffrey

Nibling #14, Isaac Jeffrey Wood, was born Wednesday, October 25. Both baby and mother are doing well, and Kate is taking great care of her little brother.

JB and I got to meet him for the first time last Sunday after church.