Joseph's gift of interpreting dreams was truly a blessed one. What I wouldn't give to be able to interpret some of the dreams I've had (or others have had) over the years—some educational, some frightening, some bewildering, some recurring, and others, I think, have been just my subconscious's way of passing the time.
Just last night, as my troupe and I were backstage getting ready for an improv performance for the Island of Misfit Toys, part of our conversation drifted to the concept of dreams and their meanings. Perhaps that is why, in part, I had a dream last night that has stayed with me all day today.

As the dream progressed, the majority of my time and efforts became focused on a beautiful young lady whom, likewise, I had not met before. The more I noticed her, learned about her, and the more time I spent with her in particular, the more beautiful she became in my eyes. She was, quite literally, the girl of my dreams.
Naturally, just as it was getting to this point, I woke up. Immediately, I longed to go back there, even though I knew, sadly, that it was not possible.
It wasn't so much what happened in the dream; it was the feeling that accompanied it. The setting is irrelevant, but, at the same time, it was a place I loved being in with people I loved, and the more time I spent time, that feeling deepened even more.
What does it all mean? I don't know for sure, but love is the word that sums it all up.
My personal opinion, and I'm quoting here from the Book of Paco and not any other source: Every so often, God lets us have even the tiniest, most miniscule, faintest glimpse into both the great love He has for each of us as well as the blessings He has in store, whether in this life, or the next—or perhaps both.
It was a marvelous sneak peek.
sounds like you need a road trip.... ;)