Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time."
-Led Zeppelin, "Rock and Roll"
The holidays are all about either enjoying the chilly outdoors together with a loved one ("Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland") or staying indoors together with a loved one because it's chilly outdoors ("Baby, It's Cold Outside"). Well, that's what my radio tells me ad nauseum each night as I drift off to sleep. Eventually.
Why are the holidays such a tough time for many singles? For many, it's because of songs like these aforementioned ones, which remind them just what they lack. It's the season of giving and receiving, and one of the greatest gifts of all somehow seems to elude them. Also, Hallmark movies, which convey sort of the same message.
This topic has been on my mind this holiday season because, well, the holidays just don't seem to really get any easier for those of us on the Island of Misfit Toys. You'd think it would get easier with time. But it never seems to.
Some fill the void by throwing themselves into their work, their hobbies, social events with friends, or a combination of these things. Even social media seems like a substitute for companionship. Others face rejection, and then give up completely. They withdraw and become hardened or stop trying to move forward.

And then there's my family member who has had a very tough month. I last wrote about this person on Thanksgiving Day here on Paco Nation. We've all hoped and prayed things would get better.
They haven't.
I visited this person last week for the first time at this person's new place of residence, where treatment is ongoing. I meant to stop by for at least an hour, but I ended up staying for three. This person plead with me to stay there until it was time for bed.
Loneliness comes in so many forms.
All of this was on my mind last week when I attended the First Presidency Christmas Devotional down at the Conference Center. Thank goodness I had the opportunity to go. It was comforting to me personally to hear President Dieter F. Uchtdorf remind us all about the One for whom we celebrate Christmas:
"He saves us from loneliness, emptiness, and unworthiness. He opens our eyes and our ears. He transforms darkness to light, grief to hope, and loneliness to love."
I need saving from all three of those things. In some ways, I still need my eyes and ears opened. It was a concept that was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment.
Does that instantly make it all better? No. But it helps me to remember what matters most at this time. It teaches me that while the pain, suffering, and grief of this life are in fact temporary, so is loneliness.
That thought alone may get me through New Year's, at least.
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