Monday, December 31, 2018

Plowman Family Dinner/December 2018

Last night (minus Ben and Adi and their boys, who were out of town), we gathered for monthly family dinner at Mom's house in North Salt Lake. The menu for dinner was breakfast themed, so we enjoyed pancakes, breakfast casserole, bacon, and other breakfast foods.

JB and I provided the parcel for "Pass the Parcel," for which the kids got to pick from a number of Christmas goodies including socks, toys, and candy in the reverse order of which they got out during the game. (In other words, the last one holding the parcel was the first one to pick; the second-to-last out picked second, and so on.)

We also, of course, held our monthly family birthday party. Since November's lone birthday (Luke's) was lost amidst the hubbub of Thanksgiving, we included Luke along with Mike and Kylee, our December birthdays.

Improvables: Farewell to CenterPoint

On Friday night, we (members of the Improvables troupe) performed our final show at CenterPoint Legacy Theatre (aka the Davis Center for the Performing Arts) after 7+ incredibly fun and memorable years (a time which also followed our first 2+ years of performing at Rodgers Memorial Theatre).

A cast of seemingly thousands, but which in actuality included Cassie, Chance, Jesse, Keenan, Landon, Liz, Matt, Parker, Richard, Ricky, Truman, Tyler, Willis, and yours truly, took the stage for this special and final CPLT show. With a cast this big, we made it work. We also had a capacity-size crowd, which was a very good sign as we move from CPLT and settle in to the Bountiful Davis Art Center beginning this Friday, January 4, 2019 (now with an earlier 9:00 p.m. start time!).

I got to play in three games and then got to MC the final three games of the night, including a last hurrah for "Spit Take," which we will sadly not get to play at our sophisticated new digs (here we are cleaning up afterward):

I was there for our first show on October 28, 2011, and I was there for our last show Friday night, as well as hundreds of others shows in between, all of them wonderful experiences. We're looking forward to settling in to our new home at the BDAC, continuing the Improvables tradition into our 11th year of performing together.

Christmas Day 2018

We spent a good chunk of Christmas Day with JB's family out at her parents' home in the Grantsville. Though it did end up snowing in the early morning and again later at night, we were able to make the trek out there for a few hours in the afternoon.

Besides watching A Christmas Story and other holiday favorites, as well as enjoying a lot of Christmas treats, JB got involved in a game of Handemonium (get it? hands?) with her mom and sisters:

Again, this was something you had to be there to fully appreciate.

We also got in a few new movies at the Megaplex later on Christmas Day and again on Boxing Day. So, in other words, we got to enjoy the holiday just about the way we prefer to.

Christmas Eve 2018

As we have done in past years, we spent Christmas Eve at Mom's house, along with my siblings and their spouses and families (including 14 nieces and nephews and three dogs). With 27 people and three pets altogether, it was a house full of a lot of different things happening at once but also a fun and memorable night.

Earlier in the day, I went to the doctor with a sore throat and was diagnosed with strep. Merry Christmas from my immune system! So, that is why I appear in some of these photos wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of germs, especially to the little ones.

Following a delicious dinner, to which everyone contributed, we put on the annual family Christmas pageant, which involved inspirational quotes from general authorities, the singing of Christmas hymns, and a retelling of the Christmas story in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of St. Luke. Years ago, Biz had the foresight to record Dad reading this story, and it was played for the rest of us to listen along. It was comforting to hear his voice again.

Graham, as Joseph, and Kate, as Mary, got into a little custody dispute of the baby Jesus that you had to be there to fully appreciate (but we can also cut them some slack, as they're two and three years old, respectively). This is about the point at which the tug-o'-war began:

Next, we got to exchange and open our Christmas presents on our side of the family. Kira was very pleased with her Hatchimal (this is what the kids are calling it these days):

And Graham was excited about his new Batman PJs:

Anxious to get home and get to sleep ahead of Santa Claus's visit, Christian (helped out here by Jana) checked Santa's whereabouts on NORAD:

To all, a good night.

Christmas Card

A lot of people send out Christmas cards toward the end of the calendar year. I know this because, as I type this, I can see in the corner of my eye 15 of these cards that were sent to us this month from family members and friends across the country. Usually, it's a photo (or more) of the family, along with a brief summary of the year's big happenings and accomplishments, as well as their trials and challenges. I enjoy getting these cards, and I appreciate being remembered by others at this time of year.

Whether JB and I will be one of those couples who send out Christmas cards other years remains to be seen. But we did take this photo of the two of us on Sunday, the 23rd, following our ward's sacrament meeting Christmas service (I know this because I pushed the button). So, I suppose it will have to suffice for us for 2018.

What a whirlwind year it has been. I look forward to what 2019 will bring.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Arbuckle Family Dinner/December 2018

Our first Arbuckle family dinner, out at JB's parents' new digs in Grantsville last night, was a success. Dinner was a baked potato bar, with salad and some of the largest dinner rolls I've ever seen.

After dinner, the kids enjoyed playing a favorite family game that, as far as I can tell, doesn't exactly have a trademarked name but is not all that different from "Pass the Parcel," either. Anyhow, it involves the kids going around the circle, taking turns rolling two dice. Whoever rolls doubles puts on the gloves and then tries to unwrap as much of the Saran-wrapped package as he/she can while candy falls out. That person's turn ends when the next person rolls doubles. And so on, until the package is no more and totally unraveled.

Here's Olivia showing how it's done:

So, that was our evening. The new house is approximately 45 miles away, so it's a little bit of a drive to get out there. But it's not exactly in California, either.

Improvables: Tenth Anniversary Show

TEN years . . . it's hard to believe. Nevertheless, we made it, and we hit the milestone with this month and the end of our tenth year performing improv together.

Accordingly, we held our annual Reunion Show Friday night at CenterPoint Legacy Theatre/the Davis Center for the Performing Arts. Usually, we have these performances in January. But due to some upcoming changes we recently announced to the public—namely, that we're moving the troupe to the Bountiful Davis Arts Center in January 2019!—we bumped up the Reunion Show a few weeks for our third-to-last show at CPLT. And fortunately, my siblings Biz and Steve, along with Ian and Ryan, all agreed to return to our stage for the momentous occasion.

It was great sharing the stage with these guys once more, along with current Improvables Keenan, Parker, and Shannon, with Ricky as MC and Willis on keys. In some ways, it was like our returning players never left, because the cohesion and teamwork were still there in spades.

Here's the gang playing "Slide Show":

After the show, we celebrated our decade of improv with a cake:

The cake was warranted. After all, how long does something like a 10-year anniversary roll around in the theater biz? Not that often, honestly. It's a labor of love.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Improvables: Christmas Party 2018

Our annual troupe Christmas party was held Thursday night. These yokels pictured here were present for the occasion:

(JB also attended with me but was the one taking this picture.)

That included, as it always does, a good variety of holiday foods, as well as our white elephant gift exchange. JB ended up with a pair of ladies' socks (somewhat appropriate, no?), while yours truly pocketed a Captain American lip moisturizer.

Monday, December 3, 2018

The First Presidency's Christmas Devotional

It's good to have friends in high places, and one of mine is good old Pepe. We've known each other and have been friends since literally pre-school.

Pepe has been a member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square (or the artists formerly known as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir) for many years now. Most of those years, at about this time of year, he has generously given me tickets to attend the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional down at the Conference Center. It is always a wonderful experience attending an evening of inspirational Christmas messages, as well as listening to music from the TabChoir and Orchestra at Temple Square.

JB and I went on our first date, in fact, to the devotional two years ago. Last year, we attended once more, just a week after we got engaged. And for the third straight year, we attended Sunday night for the first time as a married couple.

The Conference Center was beautifully decorated.

The devotional itself was marvelous. The speakers were Sister Sharon Eubank of the Relief Society General Presidency; Elder Terence M. Vinson of the Presidency of the Seventy; Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; and finally our prophet, Pres. Russell M. Nelson. It was incredible to sit just a stone's throw from a prophet of God, hearing his inspired counsel.

The TabChoir and orchestra performed "The First Noel," "Silent Night," "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful," and the "Hallelujah" chorus from Handel's great work Messiah. Years ago, Dad taught me years that you always stand for any performance of the "Hallelujah" chorus, following a precedent set by the British king George II, who was so moved when he first heard it that he stood up.

And so, when in Rome, etc.

After the devotional, we took a stroll around Temple Square, in spite of a light snowstorm, to see the lights, which are always a beautiful sight.

It's an added bonus to have a beautiful person at your side.

Improvables: Hill Air Force Base Benefit Show

On Friday night, it was a couple of improv firsts for me: (1) performing a show at Hill Air Force Base, and (2) getting a medal for it (!), as well as this official certificate from the U.S. Air Force:

We were asked to donate a free performance for the good folks at HAFB and their families, as part of their Combined Federal Campaign Charity Drive and Fundraiser series. We were more than happy to do so! Cassie, Kelly B., Megan, Parker, Richard, and I rounded out the cast for the show, with Keenan as MC.

The Stephensen Theater is a very nice venue to perform in, and our audience was enthusiastic and had a great time.

Among our the games in our set, Kelly, Cassie, Richard, and Parker played "Revolver":

Here's the troupe after the show:

... and my turn posing with the medal presented to the troupe (no, we didn't get individual medals; we'll have to train for the next Olympics for that, I guess):

It was another unforgettable evening in the improv biz.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

It was Thanksgiving last week (perhaps you heard?), and, ergo, it was also our first Thanksgiving together since we got married. It turns out that both of our families traditionally do even-year Thanksgiving Day meals together, so we compromised, splitting up our day with both families and two very plentiful Thanksgiving meals.

We first went to Mom's house for lunch with my side of the family.

After this, we journeyed over to JB's parents for second Thanksgiving (as the hobbits might say).

It wasn't all about just food, of course. For example, we had football on the telly at Mom's, and Harry Potter movies at my in-laws'.

On this national day of gratitude, we had a lot to be thankful for and a lot of loved ones around us for which we were grateful for more than all else.


My eyes were opened to a whole new world (so to speak; don't sic your lawyers on me, Disney) last Wednesday night when we traveled down to Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi to see the beautiful lights on display for what was/is called "Luminaria."

We were accompanied by JB's sister Nicole, Spencer, and their kids Alex and Zack, and we had a lovely time walking through a winter wonderland.

I would highly recommend Luminaria to anyone who enjoys seeing the lights of the holiday season or simply anyone who might like a nice, not-too-far walk on a November or December day.

I think we will be back.

Dinner Party

For the first time in our married lives, we had guests over for dinner two Sundays ago: Mom, Ben, Adi, Christian and Graham. JB cooked a delicious meal, and we enjoyed a pleasant evening together.

We're working on getting better organized and on having other family members and friends over in the future, too. Who knows? This socializing thing just might stick with us.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Improvables: Davis Conference Center

On Monday night, I joined with fellow Improvables Cassie, Kelly, Megan, Richard, Ricky, and Truman in putting on a half-hour set, along with a number of other local performers, for the Evergreens Benefit (a fundraiser for a very worthy cause: victims of domestic violence) up at the Davis Conference Center.

I had never previously been to the DCC, and I was rather impressed with the facility. And oh, by the way, the fundraiser was a big success, and we were grateful to be a part of it.

Following our five-game set, we posed for pictures with Anna and Elsa (of the Disney movie Frozen, in case you've been living under a rock):

. . . and then Santa Claus:

The event was also a Christmas season kickoff (in case you've not gathered by this point). Though it was a little earlier in the season than I'm used to partaking in Christmas-type festivities, it was still a pretty fun evening.

Arbuckle Family Dinner/November 2018

On Sunday night, we gathered for Arbuckle family dinner in West Bountiful. (This will end up being our final family dinner in that home, as JB's parents have recently sold it and will soon be moving out into their newly constructed home out in Grantsville.)

Anyhow, we had a great time, as we always do over there. Here's JB and our nieces Kiera and Olivia, following dinner:


Our niece McKenna, a sophomore at Davis High School in Kaysville, is currently appearing in her school's production of Disney's Newsies. We saw her perform in Saturday's matinee show.

It was obvious from her performance that she is acting her heart out and is having a wonderful time taking part in the musical.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

SAD but Not Hopeless

With Daylight Saving Time ending this morning at 2:00 a.m., the sun set a whole lot earlier tonight. And it will continue to set earlier and earlier until the winter solstice in late December, just like it does every year.

With the shortening of days, not coincidentally there is also a higher occurrence of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in people. As the length of days dwindles and we move closer into the winter, those who suffer from this illness can feel depressed most of the day, lose interest in activities, have low energy or problems sleeping, feel sluggish or agitated, have difficulty concentrating, or feel just hopeless, worthless, or guilty. Some even have frequent thoughts of death or suicide.

I know this because I just googled the term seasonal affective disorder and then found stuff on the Internet. Also, because I have suffered with SAD in years past, as well as with depression throughout the calendar year. I know how very difficult it can be. I've endured all of those symptoms.

There was even a time in my life in which I was so low that depression, coupled with a difficult physical challenge, consumed me to the point I thought there was no way I would recover from either. I remember once uttering the words out loud to a loved one: "I am not going to get better from this. This is going to kill me."

Yet here I am. I'm alive and kicking. Time and experience have helped me learn that horrible times pass, that you can and do get better, that therapies combined with positive daily thought patterns lead to healing.

And while I type this, I also realize at the same time that there are others who have had these same feelings and are no longer with us because they took their own lives.

This is why depression is such a dangerous illness: It makes you believe that this is a rational option, often that it is the one and only way out of your pain and anguish.

I've been to two funerals of friends who committed suicide. I've mourned and wept with their families. I miss them.

It's at times like these that I am reminded I need to talk, or at least blog, about this topic more. Because if I haven't learned empathy for others through my own experiences with depression, then the lessons I've learned have been wasted on me. Because it is so raw and real, my hopes in opening up about it are that it helps somebody, somehow.

Last year, when I was still on the Island of Misfit Toys, I gave a talk in sacrament meeting in which I talked briefly about my experiences with depression. Fast forward to just a few months ago, when JB and I went back to visit the ward on the night our old bishopric bid farewell after being released. I stopped to chat with an acquaintance from the ward who greeted me in the parking lot. He mentioned this talk of mine and told me how grateful he was that I had spoken about depression, because he was going through a really hard time at that time. He thanked me, and I was grateful for the feedback. I followed a prompting, and it made a difference to at least one person.

There is still such a stigma associated with depression. My hope is that by talking about it we can help diminish it.

Finally, and this is my last point for this post: I am among those who used to think, naively, that prophets and Apostles didn't deal with the kinds of problems and challenges we common folk have, and I've learned over the years that it just isn't true. They know far more about it than we think. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke of this in a semi-recent general conference talk (one of the landmark addresses, I think, of the past decade) in which he addressed depression, reminding us that President George Albert Smith and a number of other prominent men and women have dealt with and are living with depression. Truly, God's rain falls "on the just and on the unjust" alike (Matthew 5:45).

While reading through the Old Testament this past week, I came across this passage in my study of the prophet Elijah:

"He himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers" (1 Kings 19:4).

It sounds suspiciously to me like Elijah was depressed, even suicidal. He had to deal with one of the worst and most wicked kings of Israel, Ahab, and his infamous wife, Jezebel, and after much fighting and struggling with a populace that largely didn't believe in the things he tried to teach them, he came to the point at which he just wanted to die.

Fortunately, there is more to this story:

"And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat. And he looked, and behold, there was a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again. And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee" (1 Kings 19:5-7; emphasis added).

"The journey is too great for thee" is certainly a perfect way of describing just how hard it can get for those shouldering very heavy burdens, including the depressed.

I love this passage. We learn that, thousands of years before the TV show "Touched by an Angel," Elijah was literally touched by one, and it apparently saved his life (until he was later carried to heaven in a chariot of fire!).

Whose angel will you be? Whose life will you touch (even save?) with a small act of kindness? If you ever need one, family and friends, I am here for you, at any hour of the day, whatever your demons may be—be they depression or whatever else. If you're thinking you don't matter, you do. If you're contemplating leaving, please, please stay. You are loved, and you matter.

You matter so much that someone whose love surpasses us all suffered and died for you on the cross of Calvary. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 3:16).

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Kiera's Baptism

This afternoon, our eight-year-old niece Kieralee was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by her father, Tyson. JB and I attended the very nice service at their stake center in Bountiful, along with my other in-laws.

Here's Kiera and JB after the service:

... and JB's brother Jeremy photobombing them in another shot:

My in-laws are pretty great people. We are very proud of Kiera, and we were happy to see her make the choice to follow the path of discipleship.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Being ghosted: It's a scary topic. Which is why I guess I am writing about it on Halloween. Also, JB is home sick, and we didn't go out partying anywhere tonight. So, I guess you could say I now fully belong to the Old, Boring, Married (OBM) crowd on holidays such as these.

Have you ever had someone "ghost" you? This is when a person, whatever his/her reasons, completely cuts off any and/or all communication with you and basically pretends like you either don't exist or never existed in the first place. In the same amount of time it took Thanos to snap his fingers, poof! You're dead and gone to them.

I have had this happen to more than once. Odds are, so have you.

Sooner or later, we all get unfriended on social media. The casual acquaintances, the people with whom I went on a date or two, that person I home taught for one month and I then got a new assignment, the person I worked with for three months' time 15 or so years ago---I don't mind it when these people consider me no longer worth keeping in their circle of friends. I understand that.

It's when the people I've known for years and years ghost me that I'm genuinely perplexed. (Fortunately, I no longer lose any sleep at all over the girls I dated who ghosted me. I'm happy to say that that part of my life is over and done with and six feet under.)

Recently, I was saddened to discover a friend I grew up with had severed me as a social media friend. This is someone with whom I grew up in the same ward, went all through elementary and high school, took part in several scouting activities---even someone whose family took me with them on a summer vacation out of state.

This friend and I disagree on a certain political, moral, and cultural issue. I don't know for certain but strongly suspect that this was his friendship dealbreaker.

I am reminded of the words of President John Taylor, who said:

"If there be trouble existing between me and anybody else, I would meet them half way, yes, I would meet them three quarters or even all of the way. I would feel like yielding; I would say, I do not want to quarrel, I want to be a Saint. I have set out for purity, virtue, brotherhood, and for obedience to the laws of God on earth, and for thrones and principalities and dominions in the eternal worlds, and I will not allow such paltry affairs to interfere with my prospects. I am for life, eternal lives and eternal exaltations in the kingdom of God."

In other words, I don't want to lose a friend over a simple disagreement. I am concerned with bigger fish to fry.

Though I wish to lose no friends through my social media posting, I nevertheless will continue to stand up for the things I believe in, things that I feel truly matter to me. Elder Kevin W. Pearson of the Seventy recently said of social media:

"Much of the content needed for websites and YouTube must come from independent sources ... and individual members of the Church. Your voices must be heard on social media, wherever you live.

"We must be a voice for truth. We must have the faith and courage to speak up and engage in social media in a positive, responsible, noncontentious and effective way. We can simply share what we know and believe with others" (emphasis added).

Admittedly, I am still figuring out the best ways to share things non-contentiously and effectively. I sometimes make mistakes. I realize I have not always picked and chosen my battles wisely, but I'm trying to do better at that and will continue to do so in the future. If we disagree on anything at any time, it's not personal, and it never will be. I will not ghost you for any reason, nor will I fail to hit my brakes if I see you crossing the street.

I'm also reminded at this moment that the aforementioned friend I've spoken of in this post is an exception to the rule; the vast majority still remain my friends regardless of our differences. If you're reading this, then congratulations, you're one of the ones who has stuck with me through thick and thin. I'm grateful for each of you.

And, by the way, your Halloween pictures and stories are awesome. Keep up the great work.