Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Westley's Blessing

On Sunday afternoon, most of the Plowman clan headed north up to Dad's hometown of Smithfield for the LDS baby blessing for Chantel's and Jordan's son Westley. (Everybody got that? Good.)

Venturing into third cousin territory is a bit of a new thing for us, and it's pretty cool! We may have set a new record for size/number of those in the Melchizedek priesthood circle for this blessing. After the ordinance, we enjoyed a potluck meal together, complete with a lot of Italian food, courtesy of the baby's grandma (Claudia) and many other generous folks.

Here's Mom with baby Westley:

Sunday was also my nephew Danny's fourth birthday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I now have two curly-haired brunettes in my life.

We picked up Leia, a mini golden doodle who is much more doodle than golden, Saturday morning. In the days since, we have been going through the growing pains (separation anxiety and potty training) of pet ownership together, but we've also had a lot of fun along the way.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Weekend at Bear Lake 2019, Part 2

Over the weekend, we ventured up to Bear Lake for the second time in five weeks for another family vacation, this time with my side of the family. Mom rented out the same spacious house we all shared together last year, and it was wonderful to be back again to create some new family memories.

The weekend included watching a lot of movies together for those gathered indoors. On Sunday, we saw Church-themed movies The Best Two Years and Once I Was a Beehive, The rest of the time, we watched a good number of Pixar/Disney movies. Some of the highlights were family favorites That Thing You Do! and The Dark Crystal, which still creeps me out, from start to finish, to this day.

As you can see, Tanner was transfixed much of the time.

The plethora of activities, beyond playing in the water and in the sand, included t-shirt tye dyeing, rock painting, making bracelets, and Nine Square, which I suppose stands to reason as an updated version of a childhood favorite of mine (Four Square) from elementary school days. This is what it looked like:

When you're spending time at Bear Lake, you have to stop at either LaBeau's and/or Zipz for delicious raspberry shakes. (It's in the contract, among the fine print.)

At our second annual family talent show, many sang or played instruments; Jackson taught us all that cashews come from a fruit; Kira demonstrated her cup-stacking skills; and Biz, Steve, and I played "Spit Take," an improv favorite (JB took a video of it; she'll have to post it somewhere, sometime).

We also posed for some family photos in our matching shirts, featuring Mom with 13 of her 14 grandkids (minus our Elder Plowman, of course, currently serving in New Hampshire):

... and Mom with her six kids:

It was another well-spent weekend at Bear Lake, and we're looking forward to continuing this new tradition and doing it again in 2020.

The (Mostly Former) Improvables' Summertime Remote

We got (some of) the old band back together Wednesday night for a remote improv performance for the LDS Church Human Resources Department up near the U of U campus on the Salt Lake City bench. The night's cast included Bryan, Parker, Ian as MC, and my siblings Biz and Steve alongside yours truly for about a 45-minute set of games.

Here are Steve, Bryan, and Parker playing "Accents":

Wonderful times were had! I hope we get the chance to do more shows like this more often.