Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Return of the Jenna

Things may not have gone quite as planned, but what plans ever turn out exactly the way we think they will anyway?

Jenna returned home this week from her mission, and we are proud of her and her efforts. Texas is lucky to have had her serve there. I have no doubt she has had memorable experiences and has made friends that she will keep for a long, long time.

Kate's Baptism

Our niece Kate just turned eight years old, and in the LDS Church, that means a baptism is imminent. Which happened this past Saturday, April 8, at her stake center in West Bountiful.

It was a lovely service. I was asked to participate as one of the witnesses, and I was grateful for the invitation. Sadly, Grandma Plowman was not able to attend in person due to a brief hospital stay (she's home and is doing much better now, thanks for asking). JB unselfishly volunteered to go be with Mom during the service to ensure that her electronic devices were working and they could both hear and see the proceedings, while I used FaceTime to send broadcast it to them. (Isn't technology great?!)

Following the meeting, we gathered at Biz's and Jeff's home in West Bountiful for socializing and snacks. JB caught up with us there and got to spend some quality time with now seven-month-old Sam:

For Hairstyle of the Day, the Oscar goes to 15-year-old Jackson, whose hair his sisters apparently had a little too much fun curling.

Whenever we get together, we have fun times. This was no exception.