Friday, July 28, 2023

Janae's and Jeff's Wedding

A few weeks ago, we had the blessing of attending Jana's friend Janae's temple sealing to her new husband, Jeff. It was our first opportunity to attend a sealing for the living since our own 5+ years ago, and it happened to take place at the same temple (Bountiful).

An added bonus was that the sealer for this ordinance was my dad's friend, Lonnie Gleed, whom I had not seen for a number of years.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Paco's Class Reunion

I have an announcement to make: Paco is officially Old. As in, Old with a capital O. Because I've now been to my 30-year high school reunion, held on Friday night at Bountiful High School.

I've been to every class reunion I've been invited to: 5, 10, 20, and now 30 years. But this year's was my favorite, because I (finally!) didn't have to go all by myself. I got to take JB along with me and introduce her to a number of classmates and friends.

Besides those with whom I'm in semi-regular contact (Pepe and Darren among them), I got to see other people I hadn't seen since the last reunion 10 years ago and still others whom I'd not seen since the 10-year reunion or graduation. Among those people was the "Paquita" to my "Paco," a classmate of mine for all three years of high school Spanish; my sixth-grade crush from elementary school; and my senior prom date, who fortunately will still speak to me in public.

In summation of what I learned from seeing these old friends, let me just say this: Many if not most of the women look just about the same as they did in high school, while many of the men look noticeably balder/grayer and/or heavier. (I'm not above pandering; men have nothing I want.)

In addition, we got to tour the remodeled entryway to the school and cafeteria. We also got to go into the old fallout shelter, which I hadn't been to since my Driver's Ed class. And as for the old "smoking" Indian in the foyer? He now holds an actual arrow rather than what used to appear to be a cigarette. (If that last part makes no sense whatsoever, then ask me about it in person sometime.)

It was great to be with the Braves (not Red Hawks) of yesteryear for a few hours. I hope it's not another 10 years before I get to see them again.