Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Trunk-or-Treat 2022

On Saturday, our ward held its annual Trunk-or-Treat activity at our meetinghouse. This year, it was combined with a chili (and soup) cookoff, as well as a costume contest for the kids and pumpkin carving/painting contest for everyone.

The chilis were delectable; I faced a hard choice as one of those asked to judge the winners. That meant tasting every chili entry, a task which produced certain, umm ... odors. But that's just the dependable guy I am! The kids' costumes were, likewise, tough to pick winners from. But we made the best decisions we could.

The Trunk-or-Treat portion itself out in the parking lot was a big hit and was very well attended from ward members and neighbors. Once again, I dressed up as Dwight Schrute from the TV show "The Office." JB was good enough to decorate our car with Dunder Mifflin stuff to go along with it. We passed out Snickers, 100 Grand, Milky Way---strictly the good stuff.