Saturday, June 30, 2018

Plowman Family Dinner/June 2018

For June's family dinner/birthday party, we met at Ben's and Adi's home in Centerville and stayed outside for a BBQ, enjoying some delicious chicken, fruit, and salads while taking advantage of the sunlight on one of the longest days of the year.

We used the occasion, as we are wont to do, to also celebrate the family birthdays of the month, including both Mom's and Dad's, McKenna's, and Adi's.

Though Dad is no longer with us (physically anyway), most of us met up at Nielsen's for some frozen custard on the night of his birthday (June 12). It's what he would have wanted had he been here.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Solo: A Paco Story

For the benefit of those who may have been living under a rock, Solo: A Star Wars Story is the latest adventure in that sci-fi saga set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. JB and I have been to see it now . . . well, a number of times. On one of those occasions, we were treated to sushi and then a viewing of the film by JB's old boss as a wedding present, which was an incredibly nice gesture.

It's good to have Star Wars in the summertime once again.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

I Have a Garden

Admittedly, and other than some weeding I often begrudgingly did as chores when I was a kid, I've not been the tiller of the soil that my last name indicates my ancestors were. Nevertheless, I've been trying to turn over a new leaf, so to speak, recently.

For Mother's Day, JB and I, along with some of the other siblings, donated time and helped Mom de-clutter the garage and other parts of the house. We also weeded and prepared her garden for planting vegetables. Last week, we stopped by to check on the progress of the Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, and other veggies we planted.

For the most part, they look pretty good. We're looking forward to seeing the fruits (so to speak, again) of our labors over the next several weeks.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Mary Poppins"

Ben is currently playing the role of Bert, the chimney sweeper, in Disney's Mary Poppins musical at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center in West Valley City. JB and I and some of the other family members went to see the show Saturday night, and you can be sure that good times were had by all involved. The amphitheater provided a nice atmosphere for the performance.

I loved it. It was way better than Cats. I'm going to see it again and again.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Plowman Family Dinner/May 2018

At May's family dinner, we celebrated all of the month's family birthdays. Which is only one, that of Summer.