Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Prophet of the People

This past Sunday, I was asked to go to the care center branch in our stake to give a talk in their sacrament meeting service. I have been attending and helping out with various functions at this branch for a number of years now, and I never cease to be floored the amazing people in the branch and the Spirit I feel each time I go. This time was no exception.

For my topic, I chose to speak on the Prophet Joseph Smith, as his birthday (December 23) is another birthday we recognize around this time of year. In concluding my message, I got to once again stand before a congregation of the Church and bear testimony of our latter-day prophets, in particular my witness that President Thomas S. Monson holds the same keys Joseph held.

Then, last night, I went to the local Megaplex for my fourth viewing (don't look so shocked) of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. As the closing credits began to roll, I checked my phone for any text messages or news. I was deeply saddened to read more than one post on social media alerting me that our dear prophet had passed away earlier in the evening.

As a Church, we're always sorrowful when any of the General Authorities shuffle off this mortal coil, but especially so when it's our president. I join with my fellow Latter-day Saints today in mourning this wonderful, bold, caring, exemplary man who has now been reunited with the wife he lost a few years ago and has gone onto his reward in the rest of our Lord.

If you're a Latter-day Saint and are looking for a great read, or even if you're just a friend of the Church, I would highly recommend reading his biography, To the Rescue, by Heidi Swinton. It's a phenomenal book. I learned so many things about our prophet that I did not previously know. For example, in all of the years he went to East Germany behind the Iron Curtain, he was warned by the U.S. Embassy more than once that they could probably not do anything to get him out if something went wrong—and yet he went anyway, time and again. This is the kind of person he was.

I know President Thomas S. Monson was a prophet of God. I also know that those of us who remain behind in these troubled times have nothing to fear, that in a short amount of time we'll see the First Presidency reorganized and another called to lead us with great faith and strength in his absence. My thoughts and prayers are also with President Russell M. Nelson and the other members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles today.

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