Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas Eve 2019

For the Plowbuckles, this Christmas season was one featuring a very humble Charlie Brown Christmas tree at our home. Due to JB's unexpected surgery earlier in the month, it ended up being a big part of our decorations and good option for our otherwise less-decorated house. Plus, with Leia the wonder pup still very curious about everything and running around causing mischief, we didn't want to put up the regular tree this year and put our presents under it, both of which would have attracted her attention and would have most certainly led to problems.

So! You may have heard that the latest Star Wars movie, Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, came out December 20. JB and I went to see it on opening night and enjoyed it a great deal. (I don't know what the critics were smoking who gave the bad reviews, but everyone is entitled to their opinions, and theirs is wrong.)

We went for a second time on Christmas Eve morning with members of JB's family, including Danielle's family and our niblings Olivia and Jake. It was just as enjoyable the second time through.

Six-year-old Tatum and I were twinners with our Darth Vader ugly Christmas sweaters for the occasion.

In the evening, we congregated with the members of my side of the family up at Mike's and Jana's home in Layton for Christmas dinner. JB prepared a turkey and stuffing to add to a very generous supply of food.

Following dinner, we listened to the recording of Dad reading the Christmas story in chapter 2 of Luke, while the kids took part in our annual Christmas pageant.

We then exchanged gifts. The kids opened up their presents from Grandma Plowman, going from youngest (currently Ike) to oldest. We also exchanged gifts among siblings and their families. This year, Mike and Jana drew our name and gave us this Darth Vader waffle iron, which we are hoping to break in soon:

Throughout the evening, both kids and adults were keeping tabs on Santa's whereabouts on NORAD. When he started getting dangerously close to our time zone, the party broke up, and folks headed home to dream of sugar plums and all of that good stuff.

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