Thursday, May 12, 2022

Paco Reviews: "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness"

This week's $6 film is Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. Before you go, be sure to watch "WandaVision" on Disney+, if you have a subscription. Or if you borrow a password, I won't judge. It would also be helpful to have seen Spider-Man: No Way Home, the "What If ..." series, and also possibly the animated, non-MCU film Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse if you really want to study up before hand.

What's happening in this one: That pesky multiverse, which Doctor Strange opened like a Panodra's box in his last big screen appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home, is back! And it's madder than ever. Really mad. It sends out a giant eyeball to terrorize New York City, which the Doctor and Wong discover is actually hunting gifted teenager America Chavez for her special abilities—which mainly involve her being able to travel through the multiverse. The bad guy wants this ability for nefarious purposes.

Troubled by very vivid dreams, the good Doctor also learns that these visions are actually real, and they're glimpses into what transpires on other worlds with the other Doctor Stranges of the multiverse. He soon learns that Wanda/the Scarlet Witch is having the same kinds of dreams and is being tortured with the appearance of her  two children, which may or may not be real in this or another world. She also gets involved. Rachel McAdams reprises her role as Christine, and she appears in more than one universe.

Pretty soon, the Pandora's box bursts wide open, and all heck breaks loose. But it's a fun ride. Like other MCU movies, there are also some unexpected and rewarding cameo appearances.

Paco's rating: 8 out of 10

The Good: It's another great entry in the MCU series. Fans will be rewarded with a great story and fantastic special effects. Like the better ones in the series, it leaves you wanting more and looking forward to what will happen in the next installment(s). A couple of the cameos made me smile, and a couple of new characters are introduced, to boot. It's worth seeing on the big screen.

The Bad: This is possibly the first MCU film categorized at least partly as a horror film, so it may not be appropriate for young kids.

The Ugly: It's one of the more violent MCU films that I can recall. There is also some cursing.

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