Monday, February 17, 2020

Improvables: Oscar Night

The annual Academy Awards were held last week, for which a lot of very well-dressed celebrities gave each other awards and then gave speeches about them.

Not to be outdone, the Improvables had our own Oscar Night on the stage at the Bountiful Davis Art Center the Friday night before. It was the first time we've held such a theme night (there are many firsts we've yet to try!), and it turned out to be a total blast.

We all dressed up to the nines for the occasion, which became a tribute to many of our favorite movies. It turns out that we clean up rather nicely.

Keenan, Ricky, and I played on the same team. Our games included "Musical Theme Song" (I was assigned a theme song for the Die Hard franchise), "Scenes Not Seen," "Dueling Plays," "Director," and other favorites. At the end of the performance, members of the audience voted on their favorite game, and we were chosen for "Mumbling Movie Murder Mystery":

I was also chosen for an individual award for "Best Moment" for an improvised Calvin Klein perfume ad in "Movie Pitch Meeting":

Ricky was voted favorite performer of the evening, while audience awards were also given out (Best Suggestion and Best Audience Member). Sure, they were recycled sports trophies purchased at the D.I., but it was still flattering to be selected.

We came, we saw, we laughed a lot. We look forward to our next Oscar Night in 2021.

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